My girls room is always a work in process. First there was the making of the bed -headboard and
bed frame-, then there was the entertainment center -which for those of you who didn't know, my wonderful handy husband made from scratch, although
Belli and I helped with the painting, it was mostly his project-, then there was the rescued chair and the small bench, which I was so excited about and forgot to take before pictures, but believe me they looked nothing like they doe now. Then the chest came and we put it on hold for a long time, but it is finished now! It seems that these kind of pieces follow us -maybe because everyone in our family knows we like to "restore and reuse" old furniture, I can't wait to see what else is comming our way : )

The chest turned out pretty good, I had a lot of doubting people with the color green but I'm glad I stuck with it.
see the before pics of the chest here
This chair belongs to Gabby -can you tell?-

The making of the
headboard cost more than we expected ($175) but was still cheaper than the store bought ones. Here you can see the bench with the pink fabric -it was a garage sale find- I painted it antique white and reupholstered it, now it serves as a seating area for the build a bears...a couple of them at least.

of course
Belli had to pose with the new bed!

the entertainment center that Gus made from scratch -02/2008

the upholstery fabric matches the runner on the entertainment center
Belli and I painted it