This post has nothing to do with crafts, sewing or parties, but I just wanted to share what I did today. For the last couple of months there have been chicken around our property, and I have been feeding them mostly to entertain the kids and because I like the sound they make when they find food...-it brings back memories when I was 9 and had my own chicken-but lately it went from a hen with 6 chicks of which only 1 survived, the others were taken by the hawk -we actually saw it happen- to about 17 of which 4 are roosters, 5 are hens and the rest are small chicks. It has gotten out of control, I don't know who the owners are but I don't think they even know how many they have or where they roam. For the past couple of weeks I have been watching this hen, she had been laying eggs, I just did not know where, and lately I saw her all fluffy all the time, then I didn't see her at all until yesterday when I was planting some flowers by my backdoor. There she was with 6 tiny chicks, all fluffy and barely standing, I feed her some rice and water and then peaked under the steps to see what was going on. There were about 7 more unhatched eggs, of which 1 had already cracked the shell so I left her alone and went on about my business. This morning, after I dropped off the kids to school I went to check on her, and her STILL 6 chicks, I found 3 eggs had cracks on them including the one from last night, the poor chick was barely making a sound, so I decided to help it. Here is the video...
After I got this chick out I took it to the mama but she kept leaving him unattended while she roamed with the other 6 chicks, who are very alert and walking now. While the chick was unattended the ants were getting to him so I decided to rescue him -again- and keep an eye on the other eggs. At about noon I kept hearing little chicks cry so I went to take a peek and found 3 more that had hatched but were cold and full of ants so I rescued them too, the other 3 eggs left were not cracked but I could hear them crying. At about 4 this afternoon I tried giving them back but she won't stay in one spot and they can't walk yet, then when I checked on them again I found cracks on all them but 1 chick was not alive anymore so I decided to assist the other 2 in getting out of the shell. I have 6 chicks total and they are all doing great they are all fluffy now, they will be spending the night inside since they can't stand by themselves yet and I will try to give them back to their mama tomorrow.
Thursday 5/27 a.m. update: This morning, as soon as I woke (6 A.M.)I went to check on the chicks, they were all still alive but 4 of them do not look so good (these are the last four I rescued) so I took them outside and put them in the sunshine. At about 10:30 on the 4th time I checked on them 3 had already died :( and 1 is still alive but he doesn't look good. The other two (including the one in the video)are very alert and chirping a lot! I buried the ones that did not make it I put the 2 in a different container because they might hurt the other one. I will keep checking on the small chick and hopefully he can pull tru. I love animals but this is the reason I do not like to keep any, my kids and I get attached to them and then is hard when something goes bad.
Tuesday 6/01 p.m. update The 3 chicks are still alive and doing well, and Michael, Gabby and Belli have already named them -after themselves, of course!- I on the other hand, do not wish to keep them. They are very cute and all but they are too much for me to handle, so I am looking for a good home for them -let me know if you are interested-