Monday, November 16, 2009

bow holder

A couple of months ago I had made Belli a tutu bow holder, it looked so pretty I almost didn't want to clip any bows on it...then I got over it and started clipping away.

it was sooo overloaded, it didn't look like a tutu anymore : (
so I knew it was time for a second bow holder for Belli...
it coordinates perfectly with her bedding

I added paper flowers, rinestones, ribbon and her initial to complete the look.

just as I finished putting all the hairbows on, I realized that I am going to need another one pretty soon...

getting crafty

This weekend we were lazy, we watched movies -one after another, after another...-since I had nothing to do, no orders pending, no costumes or outfits to sew, I pulled out a project I've been wanting to do for some time now. A rag doll, I had this pattern and thought I'd give it a try, but when the kids saw me they suddenly wanted to do one too, so I decided they could first try to decorate a paper doll first. This is basic doll template I downloaded for free at (click on the first "download now" button for the full size doll and click on the second "download now" button for the ornmaent size doll) you can either make it a boy or girl- and you just use scraps of fabric, paper or whatever you can find and let them get creative. I did have to help Belli cutting but she decided what she wanted and where.
This is Belli's -pink, and pink and more pink!
Gabby's is more sophisticated

and Michael's, I love it when he gets creative, it brings out a totally different side of him...

Once they got busy with their project so did I, it took me about 1 hr and 20 minutes from cutting the pattern from paper to putting on her tutu. I loved the finished product, I'm so glad I finally got to it.
I realized the mouth could've been a bit more pronounced, oh well! maybe the next one will have red lips...

perhaps this will be a good christmas present for all the little ones in the family...that means I'll have to make about 10 of them!

Friday, November 13, 2009

a model with an attitude

Well, after strapping my camera's battery lid with masking tape and bribing Belli with a happy meal (talk about cheap labor) I finally got to photographing some of the Christmas items. I didn't get as many good pics as I wanted -the camera kept shutting down and Belli kept whining- so I guess is time to get myself a mannequin and a new camera!

This one was my favorite one!

All smiles :0)

still smiling...too much -that's why this pic did not make it-

she had stopped smiling by now

this was the last picture and it is obvious why...

I did not get all the pics I needed, after about 10 minutes and 15 pics Belli said "ok, I think that is all for today, I don't feel like posing anymore" as to what I thought -Okay, no one likes a picture of a grouchy model-
The listings are now in my shop, check them out

Gabby's necklace

I offered Gabby a charm necklace -personalized painted tile with rinestones, colorful beads and coordinating ribbon- I really liked it for her, but she wrinkled her nose and said:

that's too much!

she opted for a more simple initial Gabby

Thursday, November 12, 2009

restocking for the Holidays...

Here is a sneak peek of what I've been working on, These will be listed on my etsy store next week, we had hoped to have them up sooner but my model was being uncooperative and my camera broke down :(

hair clips



these half aprons will compliment any outfit as simple as t'shirts and jeans, perfect for baking cookies for Santa. will be listed on my etsy store next week - -

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mario and Luigi

I had a lot of fun creating these costume characters for Allen(6) & Kris(4)

I had a couple of set backs w/Luigi because I had to paint the white cap green and dye the LS top, but they turned out great. I know they had them at the store but the decent looking ones were $35 and the cheaper kind (foam) were $20, so after spending $33.00 on supplies -for both- you end up with a good quality for a very reasonable price, and the kids loved them, they kept saying "thank you Anna" all tru the halloween party...there is no better payment than that : )

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hairbow tutorial

Okay here we go...this might not be the right way to make a hair bow but it is the one I know and it has worked for me. You will get much much better if you practice, by the 4th or 5th ribbon this will be so much easier and it'll also look so much better, so practice with an inexpensive ribbon a couple of times before you decide to use your "good" ribbon. A good simple hair bow from gathering supplies, cutting and sealing to actually mounting on a clip and putting it on your daughter's hair should take you about 20 minutes, now if you want to do a more elaborate one -staked one with embellishments- then it could take you up to 45 minutes to 1 hour.

You will need

ribbon -20in. will make a 4.5" bow
lighter-to seal ends of ribbon
scissors, needle and thread

fold your ribbon in 4 sections and make a crease -the creases and ends will be at the center-
bring the 1st end of the ribbon to the first crease and place it at an angle

bring the 2nd crease and place it at an angle on top of 1st end of ribbon

from the back bring 3rd crease and place it straight -not at an angle- behind 1st and 2nd creases

bring the last end of the ribbon to meet the center and place it at an angle on top of 3rd crease

secure thread

do a running stitch, this will make it easier to pull the thread

pull thread and scrunch the bow

aftre looping thread a couple of times around bow -about5- securte and cut off excess thread, this is the semi finished bow, from here you can add a center or use it as a base for a stacked bow

Okay here we go again, another example...

you will need 20in pice of ribbon, 7/8" to 1" the thicker , the fluffier the bow -in this case I will be using 2 different colors which show the loops better- scissors, lighter -to seal ends of ribbon- needle and thread, measuring tape and pencil. Start by measuring your ribbon into 5" and lightly mark w/pencil. Also have your needle threaded and ready to go, by now you should also have sealed the ends of your ribbon.

fold your 1st end of of the ribbon -at an angle- on the 1st pencil mark

now come back and put the 2nd pencil mark -also at an angle- on top of the 1st end of ribbon

my thumb is now holding down the 1st end of ribbon and 2nd pencil mark, now from the back place the 3rd pencil mark -straight, not at an angle- this should leave you w/only the last 5" of ribbon left

bring the last end of the ribbon to meet w/the first end of the ribbon, this way both ends are hidden

secure the thread by reinforcing your 1st stitch then do a running stitch, this will allow you to pull the thread

pull on the thread -it won't tear- and scrunch the bow, the thighter you pull, the fluffier it will get.

wrap the thread thightly around center of bow -about 5 times- and secure, then cut off excess thread

at this point you finish off your bow with a coordinationg or contrasting ribbon to cover the thread. You can leave your bow as it is or add a center...

you can add a any center to a bow, in this case I added a rose button to a larger simple button and hot glued it to my bow and it really completes the look.

Ilaiza's Birthday set

When Ilaiza was turning 2 (August) her mommy -Diana- planned her a birthday party as she always does for her girls, unfortunatelly her grandpa became very ill and was hospitalized, so the party was postponed (October) and allthough this set was meant to be worn in the heat of August, I am sure Ilaiza can still get a few wears out of it. Afterall, the winter in Houston doesn't start until around Christmas time.

And to top the outfit off you need a party hat that has all the Diva ingredients -all shades of pink, bows, tulle and of course, feathers...