Monday, November 16, 2009
getting crafty
This weekend we were lazy, we watched movies -one after another, after another...-since I had nothing to do, no orders pending, no costumes or outfits to sew, I pulled out a project I've been wanting to do for some time now. A rag doll, I had this pattern and thought I'd give it a try, but when the kids saw me they suddenly wanted to do one too, so I decided they could first try to decorate a paper doll first. This is basic doll template I downloaded for free at http://kiddley.com/2006/dress-up-paper-doll-and-ornament/ (click on the first "download now" button for the full size doll and click on the second "download now" button for the ornmaent size doll) you can either make it a boy or girl- and you just use scraps of fabric, paper or whatever you can find and let them get creative. I did have to help Belli cutting but she decided what she wanted and where.
This is Belli's -pink, and pink and more pink!