Monday, June 28, 2010

Belli's haircut

Well, I finally did it! I have been wanting to cut her hair for the longest, and was determined to do so back in February, but chickened out and only did her bangs -which we are letting her grow- Lately she has been swimming in the pool and her hair gets very tangled, and it is very painful to brush even when using extra conditioner and detangler. I suggested to Gus the idea of cutting her hair and when he said sure but not too short, I jumped on it! Belli could not believe it when I told her, because she has been asking for a hair cut for the longest. I honestly did not want to cut it this short but before I realized it I had chopped a big chunk and there was no going back, I don't know about her Daddy, I think it'll take him a while to process it but if is any consolation and sh is anything like me, her hair will be long again within a few months. I love the end result, and most important she loves it too...I can tell because she is just standing in front of the mirror.
she looks like a completely different Belli

I love the way it looks from the back

this is 13 in.